I know, it's a miracle. Anyway...I saw this guy on the bus today, on my way to work, and I had to draw him when I was supposed to be working. he was this big guy, with an overbite and had a really flat back of the head with just a hint of flesh bump. I might have made some other people on the bus uncomfortable with my staring. I just love how we're all on the bus together, going to various places, and no one is happy. Or if they are, they're not sharing it with anyone. We all just endure the bus ride in silence. It struck me as funny today. I see these people almost everyday, and I haven't talked to a single one. I don't want to come off as some sort of perv/freak anymore than I do normally, I guess. Would it be so bad if people actually talked on the bus, with other people I mean. There's those people who talk to themselves, of course, but that doesn't count. I guess the world would end.
I also drew myself as a youngling with three of my favorite possessions I had as a five year old. My shogun Godzilla, my pudding pops (which I just found at safeway, and they taste just as good as I remember them), and my mork glittery ironed on picture/saying shirts. I had like five of them or something. Along with the suspenders. I was sooooo stylin.
anyway. If you ride the bus, try talking to people, or at least smile. You can get arrested and have an interesting story to tell your grandkids.

I wanted to do some painting again, so I came up with a few ideas, some of which are too stoopit to post. These are the least stoopit, so, uh, yeah. I'm thinking of doing a bunch of wonder woman in many different moods. Anyway...I like Lynda Carter. Well, a young Lynda Carter. She was vury hot. I also have a thing for a young Erin Grey. And your mom. Your mom is hot.
I decided to go on the cute side to show the ladies just how sensitive I am. But remember, I'm also extremely macho and manly. I have the chest hair to prove it. And my official Man club card, where you get 50% off manly purchases such as hair grease, and nose hair trimmers. Enjoy.