Some people out there might be curious to know why the wife and I decided to adopt a little girl from China. Or, none of you might be curious, or a couple. Some people might think we've had fertility problems, which is not the case, we're too fertile infact...sorry TMI...
Adopting a little girl from China is something that we've wanted to do since we got married eleven years ago...yeah...I got married young, what of it? My wife wanted to do it even before that. There's just so many girls there, without families, and why add to the populous when there's already a supply? That's why we've only really wanted to adopt from China and nowhere else. Plus, I've always wanted a girl, so this works out great., yeah...we're pretty much just waiting for our referral photo to arrive, so I can put it up on cafe press and everyone can wear an Esther shirt. (that's going to be her name, named after the best grandmother in the world). We have about six/seven months before we get said photo, then, aboot two months after that, we fly to China, hand of the bag full of money, and bring her home. After signing a bunch of paper work and stuff. Then, Huddle and I will be parents. She'll be our daughter...that sounds weird...but cool. Photos of her will be up here as
Anyway, here's some artwork by a friend of mine. He's an excellent painter who does beautiful figure work as well as landscapes. I worked with him for a while, and he helped me land the job I have now, which I still owe him some beers for....thanks Joe.
His site you ask? sheesh, keep your pants on....I'm not done glowing about Joe. Ladies...look out, this stud is single (for now), and excellent artist, and freaking rich!!!'s his site...
And here's some of his art. Hope he doesn't mind. All images copywrite Joe Kresoja.