Okay, so it's been a while again...been busy at work and stuff...so I neglected you. I know you missed me, but c'mon baby, the time has been good for us...hasn't it? I mean, really, now you're practically begging me to post...It's okay...I missed you too.
The below drawin's are some early concepts for a 2d sidescroller game I want to make...a la Metal Slug...I want to make it look like a cartoon, complete with watercolor backgrounds and stuff...I might try and do it in flash, tho I don't know any action scripting, so I'll prolly have to do the grab some engine or some code of the internetwebs. Anyway...I'll be trying to do it in my free time, so don't hold your breath...the fun part is coming up with the characters...
It's a 20's/30's Mobster theme. You'd play as an Elliot Ness type of guy..trying to take down the big boss...so each level would be taking out his lieutenants to find out where he is or drive him outta hiding or something... This lovely lady is "Chesty McBoob", and she's in charge of the prostitution ring...she'd be the final boss on her level, and once you get to her, she'd kick her boob holder aside and float in the air surrounded by fire or something waving her boobies in the air, trying to smash you with them...or something.
And this lil' lass is one of the Prostitute cannon fodder that will try to stop you from getting to the madame.
And here's an early draft of the "Don", I'm basing him off of Don Knotts...just 'cuz he's funny.
So, yeah...what's new with me you ask...well, not a whole lot, just working, making up dad stuff as I go along, and fighting Chuck Norris on the weekends...I usually let him win...he's old and his ego is sooo fragile. Anyway...have a good week...and I'll really try to post more soon...I just don't have much down time now that I'm happily employed and stuff...so...werd. Werd up.