Thursday, March 30, 2006

Sketch diary...

well, we got back from Ireland last night, and man are my arms....nevermind. I attempted to do a sketch diary whilst there, but, I'm no Karin, so you'll have to forgive the crudeness of these posts. I'll be posting one a day...Maybe...I dunno. I'm all jet lagged and crap, so maybe I'll go nap.

This first image is from the plane ride there. I was trying to use the ink brush, when I discovered that, apparently, air pressure up there makes the ink flow like nobody's bidness. So all I got was this bloody mess...I tried to draws a bit, but it bled all over and just wasn't very pretty. So, if you plan on flying anywhere, keep that in mind, and use a pen or a pencil...Much better.

This is what happened the first day we arrived. We had to wait until 2:00 to check in, and once that happened, we slept...Hard...On a very hard bed. With fairly hard pillows. Plus I bought a neat hat.

I loved Ireland. Staying for one week in Dublin was an excellent idea, and helped take the romantic sheen off of the place that I had from the last visit there a few years ago. At that time, we only stayed outside Dublin for two days, and bussed it in, did some shoppin', grabbed a few pints, had good Craik and then left for Belfast. This time, all Dublin, all the time. Still want to live there, or maybe outside the city, in the countryside...But, the point of this runon sentence is that I FECKIN' LOVE IRELAND!!!! More on that later...This is too much typing for me. Tanks a million for lis'nin'...Talk to you soon.

Monday, March 20, 2006

my cover art for bart's and my comic..., for all -2 people of you reading this...I'm off to Ireland I won't be updating my blog for a little over a week. I'll post some of my sketch diary when I get back. This image is my cover (minus cool placement and lettering) for my half of our sketchbook. Which will be on sale at the Emerald City Comic if you're in the area...feel free to stop buy and purchase one....please...i'll use the money to buy dinner that night. what if i beg? no? well, that way...sniff, sniff...i'm gunna go get drunk in Ireland now.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Happy Saint Patty's Day!!!

The one day a year where everyone pretends to be Irish!!! Being half Irish, I have to try and live up the the stereotype, and get royally pissed this evening. Or at least half royally pissed. Screw it, I'll get all the way pissed, play a little guitar hero, pack for our trip to Ireland next week, and pass out...or something....crap...I guess I have to feed the kitties somewhere in there....anyhoo....Go raibh maith agat and GOODNIGHT!!! (puff of smoke....and...I'm gone!)

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

one more comic image...

just for you...because you were sooooo good last night. I'm still recovering. giggle.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Image from comic...

okay...This is just a tat idea that I'm a gunna git. I'll be getting this soon after we get back from Ireland. The space in the middle is reserved for the Chinese character for Esther's middle name. And it'll more colorful. I'll work that out with the tattoo artist...Anyway..On with the comic image.
This is muffin. He has a bladder problem. I've really been liking what John K's been saying about his thinking and whatnot over at his blog. He can be opinionated and crude, but he definitely has some great ideas about what makes cartoons great. I've also been listening to the Milt Kahl tapes on Animation Podcast. LOVE IT!!! It's just awesome to hear him talk about what he thinks of Disney movies...and it was funny to hear one of the students ask a bunch of questions, and then recognize the voice as Brad Bird. Great. Anyway...don't squeeze the charmin and then watch Tex Avery cartoons. You should do them separately.

Friday, March 03, 2006

or not so pointy head?

do we have a preference? Let me know. If I get 4000 comments, I'll make new cartoons...wait..I'm not John K. So, those kinda tactics won't work. Plus, only twelve people read this, so uh....yeah....